What is Biofilm Formation?
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  • Writer's pictureSprinkle Spray

What is Biofilm Formation?

What are Biofilms? Biofilms are densely-packed microbial cell communities that grow on living or inert surfaces. They take "root" on surfaces and begin to rapidly multiply and disperse. How does a Biofilm Form? A biofilm forms when certain microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) adhere to the surface of an object and begin to reproduce. These micro-organisms form an attachment to the surface of the object by secreting a slimy, glue-like substance. It is a fatty / protein layer that has been built up by chemicals that are used regularly on surfaces which then trap the bacteria underneath the biofilm. A common example of a biofilm is dental plaque. Why are Biofilms a Problem?

The formation of biofilms can lead to a number of problems such as product spoilage, food safety problems, and loss of production efficiency. In addition, biofilms can cause infections, but the main reason that biofilm formation is a great cause of concern is that, within a biofilm, bacteria are more resistant to antibiotics and other major disinfectants that you could use to control them.

How does SprinkleSpray Solve this Problem?

Our products have been specifically developed to rupture these biofilms, leaving the organisms to “bleed-out” and rendering them unable to reproduce and multiply. Once the biofilm is broken down the bacteria is released and because our products remove these biofilms, they cannot be recreated, unless another chemical is used that doesn’t remove the biofilm, but adds to it.

If you are not yet on our disinfecting program, be sure to contact us for a free quotation.

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