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At Sprinkle Spray we believe Effective Germ Control is a Team Effort
Below, please find some information and a few helpful infographics about
common illnesses, viruses, etc.

Don't forget to sanitize your surfaces
In today’s world, maintaining clean and germ-free environments is crucial for both homes and facilities. Sprinkle Spray’s Surface...

Handwashing...we have got to do it.
Whether it's after using the restroom, before meals, or after touching shared surfaces, regular and proper hand washing is one of the...

Gastroenteritis...what is it?
Gastroenteritis, often caused by viral or bacterial infections can spread rapidly within educational settings due to close contact...

Seasonal Allergies
As allergy season approaches, maintaining a clean and allergen-free environment is essential. Our Sprinkle Spray disinfectant fogging...

Let's Talk about Enteroviruses
Enteroviruses, which can cause a range of illnesses from mild colds to more serious infections, spread quickly in environments with high...

High Fever...should you be worried?
At Sprinkle Spray we are committed to ensuring a healthy and safe environment for all. As a disinfectant fogging company, we understand...

Why is Hand Washing so Important?
At Sprinkle Spray , we are dedicated to creating safer and healthier environments, particularly in high-foot traffic areas such as...

High Touch Zones...They Harbor Germs
Regularly disinfecting high-touch zones, such as door handles, light switches and shared equipment, is crucial in preventing the spread...

Pneumonia, as you may know, is a serious respiratory illness. In short, Pneumonia is a lung infection that can be caused by bacteria,...
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